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  • July 01, 2021 8:04 AM | Deleted user

    Call for SACES President-Elect-Elect and Secretary Nominations

    The SACES Executive Board is seeking nominations for the SACES President-Elect-Elect (2022-2025) and Secretary (2022-2023). 

    The board accepts nominations and self-nominations. If you are interested in running or nominating someone for one of these positions, please contact Dodie Limberg at We also encourage you to review the operations manual that includes an extensive list of each position's roles and responsibilities.

    For self-nominations, please include:

    • A one-paragraph statement of interest in serving the SACES membership; SACES members will see this paragraph during the voting process.
    • A copy of your CV

    If nominating someone, please include their contact information so that I may be in touch with them to determine their interest in the nomination.

    Nominations for these positions are due on August 15, 2021.

    Dodie Limberg  
    SACES Past-President

  • June 11, 2021 8:30 AM | Deleted user
    • Spring 2021 Newsletter

      The Spring 2021 Newsletter is now available! In this edition we focused on the theme “Advancing Theory and Practice of Counselor Supervision.” In this issue:

    • President’s Message              
    • A Message from the EC                                  
    • 2019-2020 SACES Leadership                     
    • Ethics and Professional Development Interest Network                               
    • Infusing Creativity in Online   Counseling Supervision                   
    • An Ecologically Informed Model of Counseling Supervision                      
    • Mindfully Coping with COVID-19: Mindfulness in Supervision                 
    • How Supervisors Can Prepare School Counselors-in-Training to Implement Trauma-Informed Practices
    • Trauma integration in the supervisory experience of novice counselors      
    • Sitting in the Trenches: Supervising the Trauma Counselor                         
    • Applying Clinical Supervision Models during COVID-19                           
    • The Women Interest Network           
    • School Counseling Supervision from a RCT Lens                                       
    • Anti-Racism in Clinical Supervision: Considerations for Supervisors of Counselors-in-Training  
    • Flattening the Curve of Supervisee Anxiety in a Pandemic World              
    • Disability Informed Supervision

     You may review past copies of newsletters here on the SACES website.  

    We are looking for submissions for consideration in our Summer 2021 issue of the SACES Newsletter. This issue will be an edition about Scholarship - encourage, support, and recognize a diverse range of scholarship and research

    Submissions must be between 500 and 800 words (not including references) and sent electronically as a Word document to Please include the author name(s), credentials, affiliation(s), and photo(s) in .jpg, .tif or .gif format. 

    Students are encouraged to contribute with the support of a faculty member.   You can also check out previous newsletter issues available from the SACES website.  Contributions are needed by Sunday, June 20th

    For questions or more information, please contact the editors at

    All the best,

    Andrea Kirk- Jenkins and Isabel Farrell

    Co-Editors SACES Newsletter

  • March 25, 2021 3:20 PM | Deleted user
    • Call for ACES Leadership Nominations

      SACES is seeking qualified members to nominate for three national leadership positions. If interested in being SACES’ nominee for ACES President-elect-elect, ACES Treasurer-elect-elect, or ACES Representative to ACA Governing Council, please review the ACES position descriptions and eligibility criteria HERE. Candidates may only apply for one position.

      You must use a Gmail address to submit your application. Completed online applications must be received at by 6 PM EST on Thursday, May 6, 2021. Your ACES application packet must be uploaded as a single PDF file and include the following:

      • 1.    A 500-word statement of interest detailing how you meet eligibility criteria,
      • 2.    A 500-word Inclusion and equity statement noting your experience in inclusion and equity and how they have contributed to that as a professional,
      • 3.    Current curriculum vita,
      • 4.    A letter of support from your institution (dean or direct supervisor) indicating they understand the commitment involved in being ACES President, Treasurer, ACA Governing Council Representative and indicating they would support you financially in this role (e.g., course release, Graduate Assistant, Research Assistant, work-study student, stipend), and
      • 5.    A professional photo to be shared on the ACES website along with your candidate statements.

    SACES will share nomination selections with the nominees by Thursday, May 27, 2021. Please direct all inquiries to Elizabeth Villares at

  • March 25, 2021 1:02 PM | Deleted user

    SACES Research and Practice Grants

    Call for Proposals for Funding Year 2021-2022

    SACES is now accepting applications to fund innovative best practices and research studies related to counselor education and supervision. SACES will fund proposals for up to $500 each and the grant competition is open to all SACES members. Because of their need and limited funding available for graduate students, student researchers are especially encouraged to apply.

    If interested in submitting a proposal (either individually or as part of a research team) please review the call for funding eligibility and requirements here. The deadline to complete the application form is midnight EST on May 1, 2021. Notifications on grant awards will be issued by July 10, 2021. 

    Call for Proposals for Reviewers

    We are also seeking SACES members to review the SACES Research and Practice Grant 2021-2022 applications. If you are a SACES member interested in serving on the SACES Research and Practice Grants Committee, please submit your application here by 6:00 EST/5 PM CT on April 1st.  

    No additional funding calls or requests for reviewers will be issued for the 2021-2022 academic year. Please send all inquiries to Elizabeth Villares at 

  • February 27, 2021 10:51 AM | Deleted user

    Fostering Empathy in Graduate Students: Experiential, Student-Focused, and Innovative Approaches

    Date/Time of Webinar: February 17, 2021 1-2pm EST

    This webinar is sponsored by Capella University

    Link to watch

    Webinar Description: Among the many roles and responsibilities of counselor educators and supervisors, the fostering of empathy development among students is tantamount. Attendees will learn experiential, student-focused, and innovative approaches that have proven successful in developing empathy in students and supervisees. Detailed descriptions and handouts will be provided.

    Learning Objectives:

    • 1. Attendees will begin by recognizing the role of empathy itself in joining with clients, which will be followed by a brief discussion regarding the importance of empathy-development in training students and supervisees.
    • 2. Attendees will learn and participate in experiential, student-focused, and innovative approaches that have proven successful in developing empathy in students and supervisees.
    • 3. Attendees will be able to implement exercises in their workplace with support of handouts provided during the webinar that detail descriptions of activities, including processes for set-up and process questions.

    Presenter: Dr. W. Bryce Hagedorn, LMHC, NCC, MAC (he/him/his) is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, a National Certified Counselor, a Master Addiction Counselor, a Qualified Clinical Supervisor, and is a Fellow of the American Counseling Association. Currently serving as a Professor and Program Director of Counselor Education at the University of Central Florida, Dr. Hagedorn’s work has spanned a variety of clinical and educational settings over the past 20 years in the areas of his expertise. Dr. Hagedorn has written over 70 publications, has presented his work in over 200 venues, and is the co-author of the book titled Counseling Addicted Families.

  • February 08, 2021 11:06 AM | Deleted user

    SACES Supervision Interest Network Meeting! 

    We are pleased to announce the spring meeting of the SACES Supervision Interest Network. We’ll be meeting on Zoom at 12:00 EST on Wednesday, February 17, 2021.

    Please join us for 30 minutes to share ideas and hopes regarding supervision among a group of likeminded colleagues! Also, we are planning a continuing education workshop for May 12, so be sure to save the date. 

    RSVP by emailing: to register and get the meeting link.

    Monica Leppma, Andrea Fleming, Kenya Bledsoe SUPin co-chairs

    Ashlei Rabess & Alex Gantt SACES Emerging Leaders

  • February 01, 2021 10:55 AM | Deleted user

    Grant Writing in Counselor Education: Strategies for Identifying and Developing Strong Proposals

    Link to Webinar and materials

    Sponsors: This webinar was sponsored by Counseling Books, Etc., Liberty University's Counselor Education program, and South University Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program

    Description: Grants provide researchers/practitioners the opportunity to conduct innovative, impactful, and socially significant research. Yet, counselor educators may feel unprepared to navigate the grant development process. In this webinar, we will discuss strategies for new investigators to identify a high-impact, fundable area of research science that also supports development of a grant portfolio. We will present a collaborative framework and team science approach to proposal development. Finally, we will discuss select funders and funding mechanisms with specific examples as they relate to counselor education specialty areas.

    PresentersDr. Ryan Carlson is Associate Professor of counselor education at the University of South Carolina (UofSC), and Director for the Consortium of Family Strengthening Research. Dr. Carlson’s research focuses on vulnerable couples and families, including relationship education outcomes and implementation science, intimate partner violence, and parents of children with special needs. He currently serves as the lead evaluator for the randomized controlled trial of relationship education (Project Harmony) being implemented at the University of Central Florida. He has 45 peer-reviewed publications and conducted nearly 80 presentations at conferences. He has submitted 28 grant proposals to local and federal funders, with 13 proposals awarded. Dr. Carlson is also a licensed professional counselor in South Carolina and coordinator for the Center for Community Counseling in the College of Education at UofSC.

    Dr. Naomi J. Wheeler, LPC (VA), LMHC (FL), NCC is an assistant professor in counselor education with Virginia Commonwealth University. She has collaborated on funded projects that total over $4.4 million from internal and external funding sources. Most notably, she served as a Co-Investigator and Director with the Marriage and Family Research Institute at UCF for a federally funded (DHHS) community relationship education program. Her research agenda builds from her professional experiences to examine relational stress and resilience across the lifespan including early life family adversity and couple stress/relationship quality as contributors to health.

  • December 18, 2020 6:26 PM | Deleted user

    Call for ACES/SACES Graduate Student Representative  

    SACES is currently accepting applications from doctoral students who are early in their academic program to serve as the ACES Graduate Student Representative. Each of the five ACES regions nominates one student to serve as the ACES Graduate Student Representative (GSR). From these five nominations, the ACES Governing Council will choose one student to serve in this position. This is a three year service position: designee, current, and past GSR. A complete description of the ACES GSR requirements can be found here. 

    SACES will select a GSR nominee to put forward to ACES. In the event that the SACES nominee is selected to serve as ACES GSR, another applicant will be selected to serve on the SACES Board for 2021-2022. In the event that the SACES nominee is not selected to serve as ACES GSR, the nominee will be appointed to the SACES Board for 2021-2022. 

    The student nominee should be in the early stages of their counselor education doctoral program (either first year in a 3 year program or first or second year in a program that is 4 years or more) in order to be appointed to this position. A graduate student serving as a GSR must hold doctoral student/doctoral candidate status for at least 2 years of their service and only the final year could be served as a new faculty member or supervisor.   

    To apply, please email the following materials in one PDF to Dodie Limberg at  

    (1) A cover letter describing your educational and other relevant experiences to the position, including your previous and/or current involvement with ACES and SACES.  

    (2) A current CV  

    (3) Your answer to this question (posed by ACES): “Suppose you were selected for the GSR position, what would be different in a one year  in terms of this service position that would show it was useful, that you were the right person to apply, and that ACES was right to have selected you?”    

    (4) A 3 minute video that discusses (a) Your goals as outlined in their submitted statement referencing what would be different in a year of service; (b) Your understanding of what this role does and the necessary level of commitment it will take. Please share your video from a cloud storage platform (i.e., Dropbox, Google Drive) and reference the URL link in your cover letter.

    If you have any questions please contact Dodie Limberg at

    Applications are due Friday, January 29, 2021.

  • December 01, 2020 7:08 PM | Deleted user

    Webinar Title: School Counselors can do Virtually Anything: School Counseling in a Virtual World

    Date Recorded: Nov. 19, 2020

    Watch Webinar:

    Sponsors: This webinar was sponsored by Dove Self-Esteem Project, Liberty University's Counselor Education program, and South University Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program

    .   .


    Description: School counselors are tasked with meeting the career, academic and social/emotional needs of students through the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program. Due to the recent pandemic, many schools across the country have moved to some form of virtual education. This impacts every aspect of a school environment, including the school counseling program. Virtual school counseling, although effective, presents a whole new array of challenges. This session will focus on how to approach these challenges practically and also guide professional school counselors in meeting the diverse needs of all students.

    Presenters: Summer Perhay Kuba, Ph.D., Ed.S., MSW; Kerry Lamphere Bowles, M.Ed., NCC; Capri Brooks, PhD, NCC, NCSC, LPC; Brandi Chamberlin, PhD, NCC

    Dr. Summer Kuba is the School Counseling Program Director and an assistant professor at Liberty University.  She has written on school counseling topics including assessments, the MTSS process, and student mindsets.  She has diverse counseling experience working with children/students ranging from toddlerhood to the college level.  She provided therapeutic services to children in a residential shelter for abused children, has experience working with adolescents in a residential and outpatient drug treatment facility, and spent time as an advocate for the Juvenile Division of the Florida State Attorney’s Office where she supported victims of violent crimes.  As a school counselor, she focused specifically on elementary and middle school students and also has experience as the Social and Emotional Coordinator for a K-8 school.  In addition, Dr. Kuba served as the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Florida School Counselor Association in 2016.  Dr.  Kuba actively presents at state and national conferences and continues to seek out opportunities to advocate for students, school counselors, and the profession as a whole. 

    Kerry Bowles serves as Assistant Professor and Clinical Director for Liberty University in the M.Ed. in School Counseling Program. Kerry Bowles has also served as an adjunct teaching assistant for the M.Ed. School Counseling Program since 2015. Prior to joining the residential faculty in 2018, she worked as a school counselor in Central Virginia for fourteen years, serving both the elementary and secondary school levels. Kerry Bowles is a licensed School Counselor (preK-12). She has over ten years of experience serving as a site supervisor for master’s level school counseling students.

    Dr. Capri Brooks is a professor of Counselor Education at Liberty University. She has been working in the field of counseling for over 15 years. Prior to becoming a counselor educator in 2014, Brooks spent time working in both clinical counseling and school counseling where she specialized in children and adolescents. She spent time working in public mental health, day treatment programs, and school based therapy. Dr. Brooks is a National Certified Counselor and a National Certified School Counselor. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor and a Licensed School Counselor. She is president for the Mississippi Licensed Professional Counselor Association. 

    Dr. Brandi Chamberlin has a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision and has worked in many clinical settings and currently serves as the department chair for Liberty University's Counselor Education and Family Studies department. Her primary research interests are in online education, wellness, cultural humility, and other multicultural considerations. She is an active member of the counseling community serving as the President-Elect of the Lynchburg Area Counselor’s Association, the President Elect-Elect for the Virginia Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, and the Division Council Chair serving on the executive board of the Virginia Counselors Association. Additionally, Dr. Chamberlin is the founder and director of the Central Virginia Counselor Development Symposium.

    Learning Objectives

    This webinar is designed to help you:

    1. Compile a variety of ideas for individual, small group and classroom guidance that will engage students of all levels
    2. Demonstrate a solid understanding of legal/ethical issues that may present themselves through the implementation of a  virtual program 
    3. Utilize a variety of virtual activities to enhance student success.

  • November 16, 2020 12:11 PM | Deleted user

    Hello SACES Members,

    We are excited to announce the 2020-2021 SACES Award Recipients. We want to thank everyone who took time to submit a nomination. All nominees are deserving! We also want to thank the Awards Committee Co-Chairs (Drs. Regina Finan, Lacey Ricks, and Ken Shell) and their award selection committee members.

    The following award recipients are:

    Here is a link to the awards presentation:

    The SACES Executive Committee & The SACES Awards Committee

© 2020 Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. All graphics, original photographs and text contained within the SACES website and connected pages displaying the SACES logotype are copyrighted and/or trademarked by SACES. Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without express written permission. View our Privacy Policy.

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