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  • March 18, 2019 1:36 PM | Deleted user

    Monday, April 1, 2019; 10am-12pm (CST) / 11am-1pm (EST) 

    Hello fellow graduate students,

    Based on everyone’s responses, we have decided to hold the meeting on Monday April 1st, 2019, 10am–12pm (CST) 11am–1pm (EST). We know that many may not be able to attend but we hope you will remain engaged in your assigned sub-committees. I plan to record the meeting and have it available to you to stay in the know. The meeting will center around clarifying sub-committee roles and discuss updates sub-committees may have based on their individual meetings. We are excited to get a lot done this year and want you to know that if you are not part of a sub-committee, please JOIN US!

    Fill out the Google form if you are interested in joining a sub-committee.You will find a copy of our committee meeting minutes on the Graduate Student Committee webpage. If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

    Join our April 1st Zoom Meeting at: or by phone at 929-436-2866 (Meeting ID: 499 540 083)

    For those of you attending ACA, I would like to schedule a time to meet with everyone and meet you all in person. If you are interested, I ask that you send me an email:

    I look forward to seeing everyone at ACA and at our meeting.

    You will find a copy of our committee meeting minutes on the Graduate Student Committee webpage. If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

    Have a great week,

    Jose “Joey” Tapia-Fuselier
    SACES Graduate Student Representative
  • March 18, 2019 1:34 PM | Deleted user

    We are proud to announce that our inaugural Issue of the SACES journal, Teaching and Supervision in Counseling (TSC) has been published. We invite you to read the articles below from our Spring 2019, Vol 1, Issue 1:

    A special thanks to Dr. Kelly Wester, Journal Editor, and W. Bradley McKibben, Associate Editor and all those who participated in the development and publication of our new official SACES journal!

    Teaching and Supervision in Counseling (TSC) is the official journal of SACES. The mission of SACES is to empower and support diverse counselor educators and supervisors in scholarship, advocacy, community, education, and supervision. Visit the SACES journal webpage or the official open access journal website for articles or details about the journal.

  • March 01, 2019 10:15 PM | Deleted user

    Hello Fellow Graduate Students,

    After our meeting, people were assigned to their designated sub-committees based on the google form that was completed before the meeting. If you are still interested in joining our committee, please know that we are here for YOU! We will be having another meeting in March or the first week of April based on everyone’s availability. Attached you will find our meeting minutes and a doodle poll for our next meeting; please complete the poll before March 20th.

    We are excited to hear about how the sub-committee meetings went. Our goal for the next meeting is to have had all sub-committees meet before and discuss plans/goals. If you have been assigned, you will find that you have access to the google drive for our committee. You will see a list of people and their contact information to get in touch with them for scheduling. Missy and I wanted to step back and not assign a “chair” for the sub-committee but rather allow opportunities for many people to collaborate and take lead.

    We appreciate all the work and time you are putting into our committee!

    You will find a copy of our February meeting minutes on the Graduate Student Committee webpage. If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

    We will see you soon,
    Jose “Joey” Tapia-Fuselier
    SACES Graduate Student Representative
  • February 18, 2019 5:35 PM | Deleted user

    We are excited to kick off the spring semester with a Graduate Student Committee Meeting THIS Friday, February 22nd at 9am-11am CST/10am-12pm EST!! We have a packed agenda to cover during our meeting and are exciting to have you on our call.

    We ask that you complete a google form before the meeting by February 20th to identify the sub committees you are interested in.

    You will find a copy of our December meeting minutes on the Graduate Student Committee webpage. If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

    Join our next Zoom Meeting at: or by phone at 929-436-2866 (Meeting ID: 709 080 440)

    We will see you soon,
    Jose “Joey” Tapia-Fuselier
    SACES Graduate Student Representative

  • February 01, 2019 10:13 PM | Deleted user

    As a matter of official policy, ACES has adopted Guidelines and Procedures for regularly recognizing and honoring accomplishments and contributions to the Association and to the counseling profession. Awards will be announced during the ACES 2019 Conference held at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel from October 10-13, 2019. 

    Nomination packets MUST include and be limited to:

    1. Confirmation you have submitted an online awards nomination form.  Submit your nomination here and print the last page.
    2. Proof of nominator and nominee ACES membership (must be active through the remainder of the calendar year).
    3. A cover letter from the nominator that describes the achievement(s) or merit(s) of the person or organization being nominated.
    4. All nominations should include two (2) letters of support, in addition to the nominator's cover letter, unless otherwise noted.
    5. All nominations should include the nominee's CV (maximum 5 pages), except for the Robert Frank Outstanding Counselor Education Program Awards.

    Eligibility Requirements:

    1. All individuals submitting a nomination for the ACES awards must be an active member of ACES, at the time of submission and remain active throughout 2019.
    2. All nominees must be active members of ACES, at the time of submission and remain active throughout 2019, except for the Robert Frank Outstanding Counselor Education Program Awards.
    3. Nominations and supplementary materials must be received by 5:00 PM EST on March 31, 2019

    The nominator is solely responsible for making the nomination, gathering support material, and emailing the nomination packets. The Awards Committee reserves the right to refuse to grant any award based on the selection criteria even though one or more nominations may have been made in a category. All materials submitted become the property of the Awards Committee.  

    To represent the range of diversity and experience in ACES membership, the Awards Committee encourages members to participate in one role per year: either nominator or nominee. Please note that Awards Committee members and members of the ACES Executive Council may not be involved in the nomination process or write letters of recommendation for nominees. 

    The following will NOT be accepted: DVDs or videos, individual or separated letters, incomplete packets, and faxed materials.

    DEADLINES: The nomination packet must be received by 5:00 PM EST on March 31, 2019.  Please send the entire nomination packet in one file (PDF or Word) via email attachment to the ACES Awards Co-Chairs, Dr. Elizabeth Villares and Dr. Heather Dahl, at

    Nominations are welcome for the following award categories.

    1. Outstanding Graduate Student Leadership Award
    2. Outstanding Dissertation Award
    3. Outstanding Teaching Award
    4. Locke-Paisley Outstanding Mentor Award
    5. The ACES Supervision Award
    6. Research in Counselor Education & Supervision Award
    7. Publication in Counselor Education and Supervision Award
    8. Robert O. Stripling Award for Excellence in Standards
    9. Counseling Vision and Innovation Award
    10. Distinguished Professional Service Award – Counselor Educator
    11. Distinguished Professional Service Award – Supervisor
    12. Professional Leadership Award
    13. Robert Frank Outstanding Counselor Education Program Award – Masters Program
    14. Robert Frank Outstanding Counselor Education Program Award – Doctoral Program
    15. Lifetime Achievement Award 

    The ACES Award nomination form can be completed here:

    Description of the ACES Awards


    The Outstanding Graduate Student Leadership Award honors a graduate student who is a member of ACES and has provided outstanding leadership to counselor education, ACES, and the counseling profession. Such leadership activities are as follows:

    • State, regional, or national level activities that are directly relevant to the advancement of counselor education, ACES, and the counseling profession;
    • Assuming leadership positions in university organizations related to counselor education and counseling;
    • Scholarship (e.g., innovative research, publication activities, or professional presentations directly related to counselor education);
    • Involvement in professional organizations (e.g., ACES, Chi Sigma Iota, ACA);
    • Role modeling leadership for current and future ACES members for the sake of developing future leaders in ACES and the counseling profession; and
    • Influence, communication, and public relations within society concerning counselor education.


    The Outstanding Dissertation Award honors a counseling graduate student who successfully defended his or her dissertation during the past academic year. Nomination packets must include:

    • A nomination form is completed by the nominee’s doctoral committee chair or major professor;
    • A copy of the dissertation abstract/summary (approximately 275 words);
    • Letters of support include a description of the study rationale, research question(s), procedures (e.g., participant recruitment and selection, description of participants, instrumentation), research methodology and data analyses (e.g., ethnographic inquiry, Q methodology, multivariate analyses), results, and implications for further research and practice within the profession of counselor education and counseling; and
    • As a separate attachment to the nomination packet, please include a PDF of the completed dissertation that is in publishable form and has been approved as having met the requirements for a doctoral dissertation from a counselor preparation program.


    The Outstanding Teaching Award honors a counselor educator who exemplifies excellence and innovation as an instructor in the classroom.  Nomination packets must include:

    • A nomination form completed by a current or former student;
    • The nominee's updated CV (indicating courses taught); and
    • Letters of support should describe the nominee's achievements with attention given to innovative teaching techniques; and dedication to encouraging critical and independent thinking.



    The Outstanding Mentor Award has been named in honor of Don C. Locke and Pam Paisley to recognize their contributions to mentoring emerging leaders within ACES.  The Award honors an individual who has been a significant mentor to graduate counseling students, emerging counseling educators, supervisors, and counselors. Such a person assumes the role of coach, confidant, role model, and resource. Such a person exemplifies (a) Caring for others: genuine and sincere, empathic, accessible, and culturally sensitive; (b) Possessing and sharing knowledge, skills, and talents valued by protégés; (c) The ability to facilitate and support the realization of personal and career goals of those mentored; and (d) A commitment to the profession of counselor education, counseling, and advocating a strong professional counselor educator/counselor identity.  Other eligibility requirements include:

    • Active membership in ACES for at least three (3) years; nomination packets should include documentation confirming years of member
    • Self-nominations will not be considered.



    The ACES Supervision Award honors a counseling supervisor or supervision researcher who exemplifies excellence, innovation, and impact in clinical supervision. Candidates for this award may include counselor educators, counseling students, or practitioners who merit recognition as a clinical supervisor or supervision researcher. Other eligibility requirements include:

    • (a)    In describing the nominee’s achievements, attention should be given to:

    ·         Innovation in clinical supervision or supervision research;

    ·         Leadership in the advancement of supervision knowledge, techniques, and theory; and

    ·         Impact of the nominee’s work.

    • (b)    If the nomination is for supervision research, the nomination also should include two samples of the research (e.g., dissertation, article, outcomes, or presentation).



    The Research in Counselor Education & Supervision Award honors a significant research project by a member (or members) of ACES within the past five (5) years that specifically addresses issues concerning the education and supervision of counselors. 

    • Research must be in publishable form
    • Nominations must include an abstract (approximately 800 words in length) outlining the rationale, procedures (e.g., participant recruitment and selection, description of participants, instrumentation), selected research methodology and data analyses (e.g., ethnographic inquiry, Q methodology, multivariate analyses, etc.) results, and implications for further research and practice within counselor education.
    • Examples of issues addressed in the research project are:

    ·         Counselor and supervisee characteristics and effectiveness in the practice of counseling;

    ·         Appropriate and/or “effective” methods for counselor preparation, supervision, and continuing education;

    ·         Specific instructional and/or supervisory practices that facilitate counselor competencies and professional counselor/counselor educator identity development; and

    ·         Counselor educator/faculty and supervisor characteristics and effectiveness in the practice of teaching, mentoring, and supervising


    Publication in Counselor Education and Supervision Award honors a significant publishing effort by an ACES member focusing on the education and supervision of counselors within the last two (2) years.  A publication is conceptualized to mean book, journal article, video, CD-ROM, or DVD that specifically contributes to the body of knowledge in counselor education, counseling supervision and/or counseling. Priority will be given to those works whose intended audience is comprised primarily of counselor educators, counseling supervisors, and counselors (e.g., publication in American Counseling Association sponsored journals). Examples of publications are:

    • A book or journal article conceptualizing trends in the history of the profession of counselor education;
    • A video relating to any aspect of counselor education and/or supervision;
    • A CD-ROM or DVD interactively teaching counseling or supervision skills.


    Dr. Robert O. Stripling was recognized by the ACES as one of two individuals who has been the greatest influence in developing counselor education programs at universities throughout the United States during the 50-year period from 1940-1990. This award, in memory of Dr. Stripling, is given to a person who has shown commitment to:

    • Leadership in the advancement of standards for counselor education and supervision;
    • Program development and counselor preparation;
    • The enhancement of the profession through competency-based credentialing;
    • Establishing a history of excellence in the formation; and implementation of professional standards in counseling, counselor education, and supervision.


    The preparation of counselors, counselor educators, and counseling supervisors for the coming generations requires both historical foundation and forward thinking. To do as we have always done relegates us to a repetition of the past; to venture beyond comfort, to risk, to dare to be different are required of the stewards for professional preparation. This award honors the individual who has:

    • Shown exemplary commitment, vision, creativity, and future thinking;
    • Tolerated ambiguity and fear during innovations in preparation and practice;
    • Championed transformational leadership;
    • Defended visionary writing or publication;
    • Promoted trend-setting practice; and
    • Advocated for change in contemporary and futuristic service.



    (One award to a counselor educator and one award to a counselor supervisor, please specify in the nomination.)

    To honor outstanding service by a counselor educator and a counselor supervisor. Service should be to ACES and/or the cause of counselor education and supervision, which is of national importance to the profession. The service may be in the following areas:

    • Education and supervisory innovation and program development;
    • Standards implementation and credentialing;
    • Pre-service or in-service supervisory practices;
    • Continuing education and professional development of counselors; and
    • Advancement of the cause of counseling in society at large through such means as public media or political action.


    The Professional Leadership Award honors excellence in leadership by an officer, committee person, or other leader or major contributor to ACES at the state, regional, or national levels.

    Leadership involves:

    • Scholarship (i.e., innovative research, publication activities, or professional presentations directly related to counselor education and counseling);
    • Program development in university or counseling work settings;
    • Involvement in professional organizations (e.g., ACES, state licensure boards, CACREP team member assignments);
    • Role modeling leadership for current and future ACES members for the sake of developing future leaders in ACES; and
    • Influence, communication and public relations within society concerning counselor education.



    (One award is given to a doctoral program and one award to a master's program, please specify which program is being nominated.)

    The Robert Frank Outstanding Counselor Education Program Award honors a counselor education program that exemplifies the importance of excellence through standards (which was the essence of Robert Frank’s career as a counselor educator) and innovation. 

    Such excellence is shown through:

    • Faculty members’ commitment and contributions to ACES and the counseling profession;
    • Program commitment not only to standards but also to their improvement and development;
    • Faculty members’ mentoring a clear and strong counselor and/or counselor educator identity;
    • The program’s influence and relationship not only to students, but also to the university and surrounding community; and
    • Unique and innovative ways to provide education and supervision of counselors and/or counselor educators.


    Award recipients must be ACES members, as well as counselor educators and supervisors, for a minimum of 15 years to be eligible for this award. To be given for outstanding service to ACES and the field of Counselor Education and Supervision as demonstrated by:

    • Extraordinary Teaching and Academic excellence (Demonstrated through program development, student and peer evaluations, academic and administrative responsibilities to CACREP and NBCC);
    • Significant publication and/or research history;
    • Manifest commitment and service to ACES as evidenced by committee membership, offices held, task force involvement, advocacy, and volunteerism within the organization; and Outstanding commitment to the advancement of Counselor Education and Supervision through the education, supervision, and mentoring of students and/or new professional counselors.

  • January 21, 2019 5:33 PM | Deleted user

    We are looking for submissions for consideration in our Spring issue of the SACES Newsletter. This issue will focus primarily on Supervision, fostering best practices in supervision, ethics, supervision training, and professional development. These topics can apply to practitioners, supervisors, and counselor educators. Submissions must be between 500 and 800 words and sent electronically as a Word document to Please include the author name(s), credentials, affiliation(s), and photo(s) in .jpg, .tif or .gif format. 

    Students are encouraged to contribute with the support of a faculty member.  For questions or more information, please contact the editors at  

    Contributions are needed by Friday, March 1, 2019.  

    All the best, 
    Brandee Appling and Andrea Kirk- Jenkins
    Co-Editors SACES Newsletter

  • January 07, 2019 2:33 PM | Deleted user
    ACES & SACES Graduate Student Representatives

    Each of the five ACES regions nominate one student to serve as the ACES Graduate Student Representative (GSR). From these five nominations, the ACES Governing Council will choose one student to serve in this position. This is a three year service position: designee, current, and past GSR. The GSR must be available to attend the ACES Governing Council Meeting June 6-9, 2019 in Seattle, Washington and commit to attending all Governing Council meetings for their term. The ACES Handbook has a full description of the roles. You can find it on the ACES website ( under Resources. Applications are due January 7, 2019.

    SACES is currently accepting applications from doctoral students who are early in their academic program (a graduate student serving as a GSR must hold doctoral student/doctoral candidate status for at least 2 years of their service and only the final year could be served as a new faculty member or supervisor) to be the SACES nominee. SACES will select a GSR nominee and an alternate. In the event that the SACES nominee is selected to serve as ACES GSR, the alternate will be appointed to the SACES Board for 2018-2019. In the event that the SACES nominee is not selected to serve as ACES GSR, the nominee will be appointed to the SACES Board for 2018-2019.  

    To apply, please email the following materials to Natoya Hill Haskins at

    • A cover letter describing your educational and other relevant experiences to the position, including your previous and/or current involvement with ACES and SACES.
    • A current CV
    • Your answer to this question (posed by ACES): “What would be different in a year service position that would show it was useful, that you were the right person to apply, and that ACES was right to have selected you?"
    • A 3-5 minute video introducing yourself self and speaking about goals if selected as GSR. 

    ACES President & Secretary

    We are currently seeking qualified SACES members to nominate for ACES President and Secretary. If you are interested in being SACES’ nominee for ACES President or Secretary, please review the position descriptions and eligibility criteria for these positions provided by ACES. If you meet eligibility criteria (pp. 47-48), please an application to Natoya Haskins ( no later than Friday, January 11, 2019.  The application should include:
    1. a statement of interest detailing how you meet eligibility criteria and
    2. current curriculum vita 

    The nominees selected to move forward will be responsible for preparing a full election packet to be submitted to ACES by February 22, 2019.

    Thank you for considering these opportunities!

    Casey Barrio Minton
    SACES Past-President & Nominations and Elections Chair

  • December 19, 2018 12:52 AM | Deleted user

    The Fall 2018 Newsletter is now available. In this edition:

    • President’s Message
    • 2018-2019 SACES Leadership
    • Implications of the Aging Brain on Teaching Strategies
    • ACES 2019 Conference Proposals and Proposal Reviewers
    • From Students to Educators: Doctoral Interns’ Transition Experiences to Counselor Educators
    • SACES Multicultural Interest Network 2018-2019
    • Have We Met Before?
    • Developing a Creative Case Conceptualization Map with Counselors in Training
    • Pouring into Professional Development:Establishing a Culture of Mentorship in Counselor Education
    • Spiritual Integration vs. Spiritual Imposition: Navigating an Ethical Quandary?
    • Addressing Challenges in Counselor Education with Real-Life Skill Practice
    • Social Justice and Human-Rights Interest Network
    • Preparing Graduate Students to Work with Children from Tough Places
    • Developing a Professional Academy for Counselor Education Programs

    You may review past copies of newsletters or consider submitting something for the Spring issue (due February 25, 2019).

    Contact the SACES Newsletter Co-Editors with questions or submissions:
    Brandee Appling (
    Andrea Jenkins (

  • November 29, 2018 3:35 PM | Deleted user
    Friday, December 7th at 11am-12pm (CST) 12pm-1pm (EST)

    Hello Graduate Students!

    Thank you to everyone who demonstrated interest in joining the SACES Graduate Student Committee. We are excited to share the opportunities for involvement and the plans for 2019! Our agenda is packed with a wide variety of topics to cover. Based on the Doodlepoll results, our next meeting will be scheduled for December 7th.

    We hope you can make it next Friday!

    Please join our next Zoom Meeting at

    or by phone:

    Meeting ID: 622 217 9248

    We will see you soon,

    Jose “Joey” Tapia-Fuselier
    SACES Graduate Student Representative
  • November 26, 2018 12:13 PM | Deleted user

    A quick reminder to join the inaugural SACES Webinar sponsored by the SACES Social Justice and Human Rights Interest Network 

    The Civilian Counselor Working with Veterans and Their Dependents: Implications for Counselor Preparation
    Presented by: Dr. Jessica Melendez Tyler
    Monday, November 26, 2018, 3-4 pm CST / 4-5 pm EST
    Register now through GoToTraining. 

    Understanding the broader sense of the military experience, culture, and lifestyle is understudied in counselor education, leaving a gap about the unique mental health needs of veterans and their dependents. Civilian practitioners must establish credibility and trust to find treatment efficacy in treating this population. This webinar discusses the multilayered needs and mechanics of working with veterans, dependents, and military trauma. This webinar also provides strategies for program application on how to integrate military culture and issues into counselor education.

    The webinar objectives are as follows: (1) Address the cross-cultural components of effective clinical work with the veteran population, (2) Discuss strategies and essential mechanisms for civilian counselors to best treat veterans and military issues, (3) Considerations for how counselor education programs can infuse the clinical treatment of service members as a specific population into their curriculum.

    Questions about this webinar? Contact Regina Finan ( or Malti Tuttle (, the SACES Social Justice and Human Rights Interest Network Co-Chairs.

    Questions about the new SACES webinar series? Visit or contact Susan Foster (, the SACES Webinar Committee Chair. 

© 2020 Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. All graphics, original photographs and text contained within the SACES website and connected pages displaying the SACES logotype are copyrighted and/or trademarked by SACES. Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without express written permission. View our Privacy Policy.

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