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  • November 01, 2018 11:34 PM | Deleted user

    The purpose of the Social Justice and Human Rights Interest Network is to build community and facilitate action related to current social justice and human rights issues that impact the mental health and wellness of individuals and communities. This work is based on the premise that counselors and counselor educators are committed to social justice and advocacy.

    In an effort to better serve SACES members, the Social Justice and Human Rights Interest Network would like for you to complete the survey. The survey should not take more than 5-10 minutes to complete and will help to inform the work of this Interest Network. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

    Thank you for your time and participation!

    Regina Finan (
    Malti Tuttle (
    Co-Chairs, SACES Social Justice and Human Rights Interest Network

  • October 25, 2018 4:48 PM | Deleted user

    Hello graduate students,

    I hope everyone returned safely and has had a chance to adjust after a great experience at the SACES Conference. The Graduate Student Committee wanted to get your feedback on your experience at the conference. Your comments will help us as a committee and board prepare for ways to make your experience even greater!

    Please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey.

    We hope you join us for the 2020 Conference in Baltimore, Maryland!!

    Jose “Joey” Tapia-Fuselier, Jr.
    Missy Butts
    SACES Graduate Student Committee Chairs

  • October 18, 2018 8:05 PM | Deleted user

    SACES Members,

    We know that many of our members were impacted by Hurricanes Florence and Michael and were not able to make this year's conference.  Your presence was missed but we hope that you and your families are safe and sound.  We were happy to welcome approximately 700 people who did join us for the conference and hope that everyone had a wonderful time.

    Election ResultsAt our 2018 Conference in Myrtle Beachwe announced our newly elected officers and would  like to say congratulations to our President-Elect-Elect, Dr. Dodie Limberg, University of South Carolina and Secretary-Elect, Dr. Caitlyn Bennett, University of North Texas.  View the elections results to learn more about our newly elected officers.  We also awarded the following awards and research grants.  We would like to congratulate all of the honorees on their hard work and contributions to the field.  Please take a moment to applaud their efforts.

     SACES Awards 2018

    • Outstanding Doctoral Student
      Cary "Missy" Butts, University of North Carolina at Charlotte 
    • Pre-Tenure Counselor Educator Award
      Dr. Dalena Dillman Taylor, University of Central Florida 
    • Tenured Counselor Educator Award
      Dr. Shirlene Smith Augustine, North Carolina A & T State University 
    • Locke-Paisley Outstanding Mentor Award
      Dr. Patrick Mullen, William & Mary 
    • Outstanding Teaching Award
      Dr. Viki Kelchner, University of Central Florida 
    • DiAnne Borders Clinical Supervision Award
      Dr. DiAnne Borders, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (inaugural honoree; renamed and awarded for Dr. Borders' significant contributions to the area of supervision)
    • Courtland Lee Social Justice Award
      Dr. Jeff Wolfgang, North Carolina A & T State University  
    • President's Outstanding Service Award
      Dr. Shawn Spurgeon, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
    • Outstanding Master’s Program
      Mercer University

     SACES Research Grants 2018

    • Melanie Burgess, Old Dominion University
      The Psychometric Properties of a School Counseling Internship Competency Scale
    • Elizabeth Burgin and Elizabeth Prosek, University of North Texas
      Addressing Military Populations in Counselor Training Programs: Exploring Cultural Competence, Political Beliefs, and Militaristic Attitudes
    • Alisa Houseknecht, University of Florida
      Motivation, Support, and Belonging: Examining Factors that Affect the Persistence of Minority Students in Counseling Programs
    • Chi Li and Gulsah Kemer, Old Dominion University
      Supervisory Working Alliance and Supervisee Disclosure in Supervision: Supervisee Role Ambiguity as a Mediator
    • Jessica Martin, Lamar University
      Investigation of the Job Seeking Process, Work Environment, Mentorship, and Tenure Process of Female African American Counselor Educators: A Phenomenological Study 
    • Christie Nelson, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Daniel Gutierrez and Patrick Mullen, College of William and Mary; Investigating Supervisee Negative Affectivity, Mindfulness, and Self-transcendence within the Counseling Supervisory Relationship
    • Nancy Thacker, University of Tennessee
      Marginalized Counselor Educators' Experiences Negotiating Personal Identify during Professional Identity Development

    Emerging Leaders: We welcomed 18 Emerging Leaders into the expanded 2-year EL program. View the list of our 2018-2020 Emerging Leaders and the revised program overview.

    SACES Journal: We also announced the call for manuscripts for our new journal, Teaching and Supervision in Counseling.  

    SACES 2020: Finally, we announced that the SACES 2020 conference will take place in Baltimore, Maryland (the northern most state in the SACES region), dates to follow in the coming weeks.

    Natoya Haskins, PhD
    SACES President

  • October 15, 2018 11:59 PM | Deleted user

    ACA was sorry they missed you in Myrtle Beach! Unfortunately, Hurricane Micheal kept them from joining you. But, they wanted you to know that ACA Loves SACES! And, they are offering you up to $100 off ACA conference registration and sharing some other tools and resources to help you help others.

    The Summer Rate for the ACA 2019 Conference & Expo in New Orleans ended on Friday, Oct 5. But, they are extending that rate just for Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) members until 5 PM on Friday, Oct. 19. To save $100 on regular registration, and $85 on student registration, you must CALL the Membership Engagement Team at 800-347-6647 x 222 and say the code: ACA Loves SACES. Discount Code Available via Phone Registration ONLY

  • October 12, 2018 7:05 AM | Deleted user

    As we move into the second day of the conference, we would like to acknowledge that Hurricane Michael's impact has been felt far and wide within our region; for some it affected travel plans, for others, it impacted you and your families in ways that may take time to recover.  Our hearts go out to those impacted and we hope that in the coming days those affected are able to  restore their sense of peace and stability.

    For those of you who were able to join us at the conference, we appreciate you making the journey to get here and hope your conference experience will be enriching and invigorating. Although we experienced some cancellations, we were also able to move some sessions to a later time so that presenters could still provide these sessions to you. Therefore, please check the updated conference app or view the bulletin board near the registration desk for a list of changed and/or cancelled sessions.  In addition to a series of great sessions throughout the day, we hope you will join us for the Business Meeting and Awards Luncheon at noon in the Palisades Ballroom. We also have a fun reception planned tonight on the pool deck overlooking the beach and look forward to seeing you there.

    Natoya Haskins
    SACES President

  • October 08, 2018 4:54 PM | Deleted user

    Teaching and Supervision in Counseling (TSC), the official journal for the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, invites manuscript submissions for consideration in the inaugural issue scheduled for publication in Spring 2019. In order to be considered for the Spring 2019 issue, the deadline for manuscript submission is November 15, 2018.

    Manuscripts submitted to TSC fall within one of four categories, although other kinds of submissions may be considered: teaching, clinical supervision, mentorship, and current issues and topics relevant to the Southern Region of ACES. More information about these categories can be found on the journal’s aims and scope page.

    Articles may be empirical, conceptual or theoretical, or based on current issues; with an emphasis on empirical research. Articles must be scholarly, grounded in existing literature, and have implications for the counseling profession including, but not limited to, counselor education, supervisory practice, clinical training, pedagogy, mentoring, or advocacy and public policy. All manuscripts are submitted to a blind peer-review process, with accepted manuscripts being submitted as open access.

    Manuscripts should not exceed 25 double-spaced typewritten pages, including title page, abstract, references, and all tables and figures in addition to the body of the manuscript. Current issues manuscripts should be between 10 to 15 pages in total length. The manuscripts should also be written according to the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual style, 6th edition. More information about manuscript formatting and requirements is available at the TSC submission guidelines and policies page.

    Manuscripts can be submitted through the journal website

    If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Kelly Wester, TSC Editor, at

  • October 08, 2018 2:51 PM | Deleted user

    Good afternoon,

    As many of you have seen, Hurricane Michael is approaching the Florida panhandle and may impact travel plans for some of you. We are monitoring the storm and the potential impact on the conference. As of now, Myrtle Beach is only anticipating rain so there appears to be no issues for the Hilton; therefore, we intend to continue with the conference plans as scheduled.

    We trust that you will make the decision that is in your personal and professional best interests with regards to traveling or cancelling your registration. If you wish to travel ahead of the storm, the Hilton will honor the same conference hotel rate for arriving early; you can contact hotel reservations and adjust your stay accordingly.

    If you wish to cancel your registration, please refer to the refund policy on our conference website. We are not able to deviate from the refund policy due to the commitment of extensive financial resources.  

    You can contact the Registration Coordinators at to cancel your registration.  If you also need to cancel your presentation, please copy as well. 

    The conference app will be continually updated with session cancellations throughout the conference.

    We will keep you updated as more information becomes available about the potential impact of the storm on the conference. We wish you safe travels and look forward to seeing you in Myrtle Beach!

    Natoya Haskins
    SACES President

  • October 05, 2018 11:11 PM | Deleted user

    We are only a week away from oceanfront views, great networking opportunities, and intellectually stimulating conference sessions!  As you finalize your trip plans we would like to share a few reminders and information that should enhance your conference experience.


    • If you are flying in after 9pm we encourage you to set up ground transportation prior to getting to Myrtle Beach, it is a small airport so transport from the airport can be limited.  We have identified two Taxi Drivers who we used in our site visits that are available during these evening hours:
      • Big Mike 423-817-2659
      • Stilian Baku 843-424-1312
    • If you are driving, you may wish to view the SCDOT website for current road closures and delays in South Carolina before you leave.

     Conference Information

    I would like to thank our conference committee and volunteers for all the work that has gone into preparing for this conference. I am also thankful to our SACES Conference 2018 sponsors; please be sure to check out their ads or stop by their exhibit booths.

    Natoya Hill Haskins, PhD
    SACES President

  • September 27, 2018 7:55 PM | Deleted user

    We look forward to seeing you in two weeks for the SACES conference. As you are putting your travel plans in place to join us in Myrtle Beach, please consider that while many of the main highways are clear, the secondary roads may still be experiencing some flooding and may be closed. We hope that the rivers recede and the roads reopen before the conference; however, we ask that you take the time to identify closed secondary roads before you leave your home if you are driving; you can view the SCDOT website for current road closures in South Carolina. For those flying in, the roads from the Myrtle Beach airport to the Hilton Resort and the surrounding area are open and not experiencing flooding. We will update you again before you leave for the conference if this has changed.

    Please be safe in your travels and we hope to see you soon.

    Natoya Haskins, PhD
    SACES President

  • September 17, 2018 8:34 PM | Deleted user

    Attention SACES Members!

    The conference hotel and Myrtle Beach surrounding areas were not significantly impacted by Hurricane Florence.  However, our thoughts are still with members who are residents of North Carolina, as we know many are still experiencing significant challenges.  I hope to see many of you next month in Myrtle Beach.

    Natoya Haskins, PhD
    SACES President

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