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  • July 15, 2013 12:35 PM | Deleted user
  • April 26, 2013 12:01 PM | Deleted user
  • April 09, 2013 10:59 AM | Deleted user
    Here are the minutes from March's SACES meeting!

  • February 02, 2013 11:31 AM | Deleted user

    February 12, 2013

    Minutes from 12/13/12 Lost to Computer All Officers Present

    Board members introduced themselves to the incoming Executive Board members present –

     Mary Hermann (president-elect-elect) and Thelma Duffey (secretary-elect)


     Interested in starting a journal for the division (finalizing budget)

    o Task force reviewing journal development and needs prior to identifying an editor and recruiting editorial board member s (Thelma stated meeting on Friday)

     SACES newsletter was released

    o Encouraging committee involvement

     Membership – Alex has become the "membership person" (Jennifer)

    o Wild apricot – most people switched over, some have not been

    o Alex at 20 hours per month

    o Meet with Kathy on a call and also include Alex

    o Jennifer – getting people to renew on non-conference years

    Don – perhaps require a two-year membership to avoid this issue and save money on transaction fees

    Should have membership input and set a date for implementation (Jan 1st 2014) and an open vote to be approved at next meeting

     Information about meetings at ACA received by Heather Trepal

    o SACES Friday March 22nd at 8-9am – Hilton Caprice 1 & 4 (EC Meeting)

    Prepared agenda with interest networks provided

    Not expecting a large turn-out

    Work on conference committee development

    Jennifer Jordan & Don Locke will not be in attendance

    o Thursday March 21st from 5-6pm – Hilton Salon F & G (Upcoming EC Meeting)

    There will be no conference call in March given the meeting at ACA.

    Heather – working on compiling conference documents from Savannah

     Find a time to map out the next conference – what need to be done when

     Connected with past-presidents to be active in the conference planning

     Early identification of site

    Mary and Thelma – looking forward to getting started!

    Jennifer Jordan voted-in as secretary for ACES

    Anneliese request budget report for ACA - $86k currently in account, which is up from the previous two years

    Doodle sent early March for April EC call

    Jennifer – An e-mail was sent out to SACES membership, letting them know which candidates from the SACES region will be running for office, but encountered a problem this year

     Don stated that all candidates must be listed to avoid subtle campaigning issues

     Change in approach can be discussed at ACA meeting

  • October 31, 2012 2:38 PM | Deleted user


    Savannah, Georgia

    September 28th, 2012

    8:00-9:00 AM

    In attendance:

    Sejal M. Barden (co-chair), Shannon Ray (co-chair), and Joni Miller (member)

    • Introductions of committee members
    • a. Discussion of where organization is and where it is going; committee background and historical function
    • Plan for the Committee:
    • a.       Enhancement of member services- products for our members
    • b.      Discussion of journal- needs assessment of what members would like
    • c.       Training Modulesundefinedi.e. DSM-5
    • Conference support-2014
    • a.       Birmingham
    • b.      Committee assistance to Executive Committee
    • Other ideas:
    • a.       Graduate student mentoring- coffee break during 2014 conference
    • b.      Get Graduate students to send list-serve email- interested
    • c.       Emerging fellows- new faculty initiatives
    • d.      Emerging leaders contact info for participants and interested parties
    Pairing of emerging leaders and fellows for mentorship
  • October 23, 2012 12:34 PM | Deleted user

    October 23, 2012

    Minutes Approved from EC Conference Meeting


    o Conference income - $34,000 from RegOnline recently ($78,243 total)

    o $91,668 in all accounts total at the moment (up $15k since conference report)

    March – September we should’ve received $81,046 from RegOnline

    o Heather reimbursement $25 for expenses

    o Heather’s GA is working on the conference manual – please send any feedback or information that will be useful for the manual to her as soon as possible

    o Final number around 531, approximately 101 more than last year

    Add Don to RegOnline so he can have access to the account

    RegOnline will be terminated for membership

    ACES obligated divisions not to use RegOnline for conferences in future – this will be checked into as previously SACES has been autonomous

    o Volunteer reimbursement ($2500 due)

    Conference planning manual will include a new policy

    Amanda’s list of volunteers included two faculty members – she will be contacted to determine the agreement that was made with them

    Web Service

    Update history of SACES that brings us through Heather’s tenure – ask that this be done and provide honorarium for him to complete it ($1000) and sends questionnaire to each president and writes a narrative about past conferences and president will contact

    o Approved

     Don tried to cancel web service but could not without a code

    o Jen says Dennis & Alex set it all up and would need to be contacted for the code

     Minutes will be sent to Andrea and Alex for website and social networking


    Articles due on November 5th to editors

    Letter to MG

    Sent to Kathryn and then shared with ACA legal for feedback

     ACA possibly misunderstood how he registered for the conference

    o Suggested the paragraph related to registration be removed


    o Bring Mary Hermann in to assess the letter and situation so she is aware of the situation and decisions made

    Other Issues

    o Include members from other committees in the EC calls – begin with two

    o LTP will be shifted to the November agenda

    o Propose in December we don’t meet and have a full agenda for the Nov/Jan meetings

    o Still have open committees in need of volunteers

    o Need to assign ACES liaisons

  • October 08, 2012 2:23 PM | Deleted user
    Kudos and thank you to all the wonderful 2012 SACES Conference volunteers, presenters, leadership, and attendees in Savannah! This conference had the largest attendance of any previous SACES conference - with over 100 more attendees than usual. We are grateful to our conference lead, Heather Trepal, and Jennifer Jordan as well! It is obvious that the SACES membership continues to have vibrant and dynamic counselor educators, supervisors, and students!
  • September 09, 2012 1:32 PM | Deleted user

    Present: Anneliese, Heather, Don, Jennifer, & Mandy

    Discussion regarding Courtland Lee Social Justice Award will address nomination process at conference meeting to prevent things like self-nominations. Majority decision for award was Meghan Walter with a special presidential recognition for Selma Yznaga.

    - Don requested recipient information for monetary award preparation

    Conference – EC dinner Wednesday night following the meeting and conference bag preparation will occur around the same time with volunteers. The dinner will be with Anneliese at 5pm.

    - Emerging leader training: All officers are asked to be present at 4pm and share personal route to leadership (how did you get involved, what was the process like when you ran for and officer position, etc.). Window, 3:45 to 4:15 with 27 current emerging leaders.

    o Stop by lunch on Thursday from 12-1 – need count for lunch & set-up for 35-40 people.

    - Activities for EC: General reception 5:30-7 on Thursday night & Friday night 5-7 president’s reception; leadership breakfast 8am on Friday morning; lunch 12-2 on Friday; Saturday lunch with Nicole Hill from ACES from 12-2pm (invitee only).

    - Things we need to know: 314 people registered so far, poster sales, 30 people need accommodations for food; Don met with hotel person at the beginning of the conference to provide a check for services to make sure they had a deposit – Anneliese will confirm that hotel requires payment at the end and no deposit prior. Technology will be provided and coordinated with volunteers (who puts them out, picks them up, where they will be stored). Anneliese will get a quote on projectors – may need around eight.

    - Grant Recipients: Don needs names – 6 people.

    - Reminder: Anneliese will be bringing a lot of things into the hotel and will possibly tipping for hotel help – keep track of those tips for reimbursement (misc. expenses).

    - Officer Reimbursement: $700-$900 flat return depending on expenses incurred.

    - Volunteers: Cover cost of registration (hour requirement); have at least one of EC present at registration. Jennifer will create a schedule for EC presence at registration. (Thursday 8-5:30; becomes a help desk at a certain time/point)

    o Printer/Computer needed for registration desk

    o Copy printed with name and membership number – current/not current

    Discussion about additional conference call; determined another EC call likely not necessary as time for a meeting will probably not be available in a useful time frame. Next meeting will be in Savannah and another call will be at the end of October and scheduled in Savannah.

    Minutes to be posted online.

  • July 26, 2012 1:33 PM | Deleted user

    Present: Anneliese, Heather, Don, Jennifer, & Mandy


    Conference Overview and Updates

    Numbers up to 460 as of this morning – highest attended since 2006; challenges with meals and registration materials; people from a variety of places throughout the country; large attendance for the career connection (around 80 people)

    Food orders confirmed and added some tables, etc. and the community engagement project is going well with connections between the organizations for empty plate and community engagement.

    Photographer for awards: Panos (emerging leader) will be taking photos throughout the conference

    Theme for conference really came through with regard to topics of resilience, etc. due to excellent planning.

    Places the EC needs to be:

    Thursday, 5:30-7, Lobby – receptions (Mexican)

    Thursday, Noon, Academy – emerging leaders lunch

    Thursday, 3:30, Oglethorpe A & B – emerging leaders discussion with executive council

    Friday, 8am, Franklin – Leadership breakfast

    Friday, 12-2, Savannah Ballroom – luncheon (Italian)

    Friday, 5:30-7, Atrium – reception (Asian)

    Saturday, 12, Franklin – ACES presidential lunch

    Presidential Session that Nicole Hill is doing at 2pm

    Saturday @ 11am with Cathy – Meeting with hotel staff; met and exceeded the rate so we will not have to pay for meeting rooms

    Treasurer Report

    Approval will occur at business meeting - $4,858 ahead of last fiscal year - $12k rebate from ACES but unsure as to how much was for hosting the conference, thinking it was around 9k so the organization made money by being the host for ACES (president entertains motion for approval)

    Small deposits generally made into the savings account and then transferred to avoid fees

    Expenses reviewed – Social Justice Award: typically selected by EC and taken off the website & need to start thinking about recipient for next year’s nominees

     Conference expenses for Savannah will be added (approx. $55k based on Williamsburg)

    Treasurer believes having $70k+ in the account is important as a non-profit should have at least one year of money on hand in case of a problem to secure the future of the organization

    Wild Apricot – 10 hours per month for website development

    Member Services

    1. Develop products that are easy: online CEUs, etc.

    2. SACES Journal

    a. Concerns: not sure thematic journal limited to supervision benefits the entire membership so should be accessible to everyone (useful to have a special theme for each issue to broaden interest); graduate students should not be on editorial board (peer-review) as it would affect credibility and should be for promotion and tenure; and the editor should be paid a stipend for a graduate assistant (ex. $6k for GA).

    b. Consult with N. Carolina journal officiates to see how they run their online publication & will also consult with NARACES

    c. Approx. $10k per year without a graduate assistant

    d. Perhaps add doctoral students as reviewer assistants rather than actual editorial review board members – assigned to reviewers as mentees or assigned to summarize reviews for editor

    e. Endorse idea with revisions and allow EC time to think about it, but committee would like something by ACA to make a report and take action

    f. Sell ads in the journal to garner income or do CEUs as part of the journal and charge for non-members

    g. Broad topics can be useful, but adding the niche might be a good idea as well – for instance discussing things that are uniquely southern with regard to the profession

    Luncheon Agenda Discussed – 3 raffle prizes at the beginning, middle, and end

    Secretarial and Treasury report will be posted to website in future

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