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  • October 03, 2022 8:02 PM | Anonymous

    Call for SACES President-Elect-Elect and Secretary-Elect Nominations- Deadline Extended!

    The SACES Executive Board is seeking nominations for the SACES President-Elect-Elect (2023-2026) and Secretary-Elect (2023-2024***). We hope that you stayed safe during Hurricane Ian and that your path to recovery has started if you were impacted. Given that many people were impacted by the storm in the SACES region, we are extending the deadline for both positions until October 14, 2022.

    The board accepts nominations and self-nominations. If you are interested in running or nominating someone for one of these positions, please contact Dr. Sejal Barden at We also encourage you to review the operations manual that includes a list of each position's roles and responsibilities.

    For self-nominations, please include:

          A one-paragraph statement of interest in serving the SACES membership; which will be visible to SACES members during the voting process.

          An updated copy of your curriculum vitae, highlighting any past leadership experience in SACES.

    If nominating someone, please include their contact information so that I may be in touch with them to determine their interest in the nomination.

    Sejal Barden
    SACES Past-President


    ***Length of term for Secretary-Elect is being considered to be increased to a two-year term (2023-2025) to allow for greater organizational familiarity in governance. This change will require member approval and pending Bylaws revision.  


  • September 29, 2022 2:54 PM | Anonymous

    SACES Conference Registration and T-Shirt Deadlines are Approaching

    Greetings SACES Members!

    Online registration for the conference ends on 10/1!

    T-Shirt sales end on 10/1 and will not be sold at the conference. Be sure to order one for $20 to represent this exciting event! Shirts are produced by Project Lift - A program that empowers 14-21-year-olds to build a successful future through vocational training and emotional health support. An example of the t-shirt can be found here.

    For more information, view this handout, visit, follow, and projectlift.florida on Instagram.

  • September 12, 2022 10:08 AM | Anonymous

    Call for SACES President-Elect-Elect and Secretary-Elect Nominations

    The SACES Executive Board is seeking nominations for the SACES President-Elect-Elect (2023-2026) and Secretary-Elect (2023-2024***). 

    The board accepts nominations and self-nominations. If you are interested in running or nominating someone for one of these positions, please contact Dr. Sejal Barden at We also encourage you to review the operations manual that includes a list of each position's roles and responsibilities.

    For self-nominations, please include:

    • A one-paragraph statement of interest in serving the SACES membership; which will be visible to SACES members during the voting process.
    • An updated copy of your curriculum vitae, highlighting any past leadership experience in SACES.

    If nominating someone, please include their contact information so that I may be in touch with them to determine their interest in the nomination.

    Nominations for these positions are due on September 28, 2022.

    Sejal Barden
    SACES Past-President


    ***Length of term for Secretary-Elect is being considered to be increased to a two-year term (2023-2025) to allow for greater organizational familiarity in governance. This change will require member approval and pending Bylaws revision.  


  • September 12, 2022 10:03 AM | Anonymous

    SACES 2022 Conference Graduate Student Research Presentations

    The SACES Graduate Student Committee (GSC) is excited to welcome students at the SACES conference in Baltimore! The GSC is happy to announce that we will be hosting a Graduate Student 3 Minute Thesis event at the upcoming conference on Friday, November 4th from 3:00pm-4:30pm. The purpose of this event is to present students the opportunity to practice their presentation skills, network and connect with other students who may have similar research interests, and add to their presentation section on their CV. This is an event that the GSC previously hosted at the SACES Graduate Students Lounge at the ACES 2021 conference, and due to the success of that event and our desire to meet the conference needs of students, we have decided to bring to the SACES 2022 conference in Baltimore. Selected students (from any region) are welcome to apply to present their research interest(s) for 3 minutes (yes, only 3, it's time to practice for those job talks!) aided by a one-slide PowerPoint presentation. Through a peer-review process, the SACES GSC will select as many submissions as possible. Selections will be based on the quality of the applicant's responses and rationale for presentation need. Preference will be given to students who are presenting less than twice at the SACES conference. Submissions are due September 19th and selected participants will be notified of acceptance by October 3rd.

    You can find the submission form here.

    The SACES GSC looks forward to reading your submissions! If you have any follow-up questions, please feel free to email Lauren Flynn at!

  • September 12, 2022 10:02 AM | Anonymous

    Hello Graduate Students!

    We hope to see you at our September Graduate Student Committee meeting on Friday, September 30th at 11:00am EST. You can find the meeting agenda here

    In addition to our monthly meeting, we also invite you to join us with a cup of coffee or tea one hour before the meeting to network with fellow graduate students. The SACES Graduate Student Committee will be hosting Coffee and Collaboration for graduate students Friday, September 30th at 10:00am EST. Please click here for the flyer. 

    Please reach out to me if I can do anything to support you, or you would like to see something included on the agenda. The Zoom link for both events is below: 

    Topic: Graduate Student Committee Meeting // Coffee & Collaboration Event
    Time: Sep 30, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 
    Meeting Link:

    Meeting ID: 834 0345 6504


    Lauren Flynn - GSR

  • August 29, 2022 7:50 PM | Anonymous

    Summer 2022 Newsletter

    The Summer 2022 Newsletter is now available! In this edition: 

    • President’s Message  
    • 2022-2023 SACES Leadership         
    • Parallel Paths: The Importance of Improving Performance Feedback for Masters Students to Help the Helping Profession                     
    • School Counselors as Community Bridges, and Counselor Educators as Bridge Builders  
    • Personal Counseling as a Tool for Student Wellness and Enhanced Learning                     
    • Implementing Trauma-Informed Education within CES Programs                          
    • What If We Took Kohlberg Seriously? Designing a Developmentally Centered Theories Curriculum      
    • Establishing the ‘New Normal’ in Higher Education                       
    • Summer Greetings from the SACES Women’s Interest Network    
    • Best Practices for Supporting Challenging Students in an Online Environment                  
    • Necesitamos Apoyo: Supporting Bilingual (Spanish/English) Counselors-in-Training
    • Understanding the Role of Motivation in Adult Learning                                        

     You may review past copies of newsletters here on the SACES website.  

    We are looking for submissions for consideration in our Fall 2022 issue of the SACES Newsletter. This issue

    will be an edition about Supervision - advance the theory and practice of counselor supervision

    Submissions must be between 500 and 800 words (not counting references) and sent electronically as a Word document to Please include the author’s name(s), credentials, affiliation(s), and photo(s) in .jpg, .tif or .gif format.

    For questions or more information, please contact the editors at You can also check out previous newsletter issues available from the SACES website. Contributions are needed by Sunday, Oct 9th.

    Isabel Farrell
    Editor SACES Newsletter


  • August 11, 2022 4:21 PM | Anonymous


    2022 SACES Diversity Conference Scholarship

    The deadline to submit an application for a conference scholarship is August 22, 2022 with anticipated notification by September 1, 2022. 

    In a new initiative to support individuals who have had limited conference experiences and lack of access to professional development opportunities the Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision now offers scholarships to current professionals and counselor education students.  Each award is awarded based on financial need, professional status, and access to conference attendance.  Five scholarships are awarded for each SACES conference in the amount up to $1000 to cover the cost of attending the SACES Conference. Scholarship recipients MUST be current SACES members.


    • Current SACES member.
    • Doctoral student or new professional (<5 years in the field)
    • Identify with an underrepresented identity and/or be a first generation student. (10 points)
    • One letter of recommendation – one from the applicant’s supervisor/advisor.  (20 points)
    • Explanation of financial need. (20 points)
    • Professional and Personal Identity Statement. (20 points)
    • Copy of a current vita (5 pages max). (20 points)
    • Acknowledgement that you this would be your first SACES conference.
    • Acknowledgement that you will be able to volunteer for 5 hours during the conference.
    • Acknowledgement that you are not receiving any other funding from SACES.

    Only current SACES members may apply for scholarship funds. If you are not a current member, please join before continuing with the application.

    All applicants must upload 1 reference letter to this application from the applicant’s supervisor.  The letter should address applicant’s job/student responsibilities and professional contributions. The letter should also show support of the applicant attending the conference.

    * If you are granted a scholarship, it is understood that you will attend the SACES Conference and volunteer to assist during the conference for 5 hours.

    To apply, please complete required areas found here:

  • August 03, 2022 5:51 PM | Anonymous

    SACES Graduate Student Committee Meeting

    Friday, August 26th at 11:00 AM (EST) 

    Hello Fellow Graduate Students!

    We are excited to welcome you back with the first meeting of the academic year! 

    We are holding our first graduate student committee meeting of the Fall semester on Friday, August 26th at 11:00 AM EST. I hope you can all join us to find out ways that you can connect with other graduate students and become more involved. We look forward to seeing returning students as well as new faces!

    Please reach out to me if I can do anything to support you, or you would like to see something included on the agenda. Additional Zoom information is below: 

    Lauren Flynn is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: SACES Graduate Student Committee Meeting
    Time: Aug 26, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 851 1722 8811


    Lauren Flynn - GSR


  • July 28, 2022 6:10 PM | Anonymous

    Call for SACES Treasurer

    Candidates for SACES’s Treasurer

    The SACES Executive Committee is seeking applications for the position of SACES Treasurer for a three year term (2023-2026).  The term of the Treasurer to be appointed is July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2026, with potential for extensions based on the discretion of the current SACES President. Onboarding will take place during Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. TheSACES Treasurer is an active member of the Executive Committee and is integral to providing fiscal oversight to the organization.

    According to the SACES Association’s Bylaws:

    Duties and Responsibilities

    1. Collaborate with SACES Executive Committee to develop and submit an annual operational budget (typically by May 1st each year)
    2. Collaborate with SACES Conference Coordinator and SACES Executive Committee to develop and submit a regional conference budget (typically by Jan 1st for conference years)
    3. Collect all invoices for regional expenses and forward them to ACES Executive Director
    4. Maintain an accurate accounting of ongoing regional revenue and expenses to reconcile with ACES records.
    5. Submit a mid and annual Treasurer’s report to SACES Executive Committee and post to website.
    6. Provide written and verbal Treasurer’s report to the General Assembly/Business Meetings during the SACES/ACES conferences each fall.
    7. Chair Budget and Finance Committee; submit annual plan, mid-year, and final committee report of activities and recommendations (typically by May 1st)

    Meeting Participation

    1. Participate in SACES Executive Committee Annual Planning (typically held in person each January)
    2. Participate in ongoing Executive Committee meetings (held virtually each month)
    3. Participate in SACES General Assembly/Business Meetings (held during ACES or SACES Conference each fall)
    4. Participate in SACES meeting during ACA Convention (each spring, if possible)

    Applications must be received by August 25, 2022
    . Any member of the association is eligible for nomination; however, previous involvement in SACES and budgeting/accounting skills are preferred. Please send, in one PDF, a letter of interest (up to 2 pages) discussing your experience with the duties and responsibilities above, a list of 2 references, and a current CV to Dr. Sejal Barden, Interviews will be conducted via Zoom and the final candidate will be selected by the SACES Executive Committee in Fall 2022.

  • July 18, 2022 3:35 PM | Anonymous

    Call for 2022 SACES Research and Grant Proposals

    SACES is now accepting applications to fund innovative best practices and research studies related to counselor education and supervision for up to $500 each. This grant competition is open to both professional and student members of SACES. Because of their need and limited funding available for student research, student researchers are especially encouraged to apply. Individuals may submit (or be part of a submission team) for only one proposal. Grants recipients will be notified in September and announced during the SACES 2022 Conference.

    Submissions are due on August 1st  by 5:00 pm EST via email to Dr. Sejal Barden,

    Proposal Format: Researchers must submit two PDFs of their proposals (one blind copy and one with author identification) via email (save file name to only include title of study on blind copy).  Please use the following Proposal Outline below and ensure your document is:

    • Typed in 12-point font, double spaced, with one-inch margins
    • Maximum of five pages, excluding references. The committee will not review applications exceeding the 5-page limit.

    Proposal Outline:

    1. Literature Review (10 points): Relevant to the research and practice of counselor education and supervision. The literature review includes a problem statement, the purpose of the study, and the rationale.

    2. Methods (15 points): Provides a concise description of participants, measures, data collection procedures, and data analysis. The methods reflect evidence-based and rigorous processes.

    3. Timeline (5 points): Provides a detailed timeline of project and research activities (e.g., IRB submission, participant recruitment, data collection, data, analysis, dissemination of findings).

    4. Budget (5 points): Well-articulated and tied to conducting the study.

    5. Plan for Distribution or Publication (5 points): Inclusion of steps and dates provided.

    6. Ethical considerations (5 points): Indicate that the study has gone through the university review board.

    7. References (5 points): At least five credible sources in APA 7th ed. format. Seminal publications and publications are strongly encouraged within the last seven years.

    Additional Requirements: Grant recipients must submit mid- and end-of-year reports, including a budget expense report. Award recipients are encouraged to disseminate their findings at a SACES/ACES conference and manuscript submission to the SACES journal, Teaching, and Supervision in Counseling.

© 2020 Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. All graphics, original photographs and text contained within the SACES website and connected pages displaying the SACES logotype are copyrighted and/or trademarked by SACES. Redistribution or commercial use is prohibited without express written permission. View our Privacy Policy.

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