2024 SACES Job Talks
The purpose of the 2024 SACES Job Talks is to facilitate face-to-face presentations of active searches. Therefore, the Job Talks Committee assumes that all participants who submit materials to reserve a job talk presentation also register for and attend the conference.
The 2024 SACES Job Talks Committee will not be hosting job postings therefore, employers/institutional representatives are encouraged to visit the ACES Career Center for posting their position information.
Information for Employers/Institutional Representatives
To request a job talk presentation or access to job seekers’ CV’s, please complete the SACES Job Talks Request by October 18th. Reservations will be made on a first come, first serve basis. Requests made after the 18th deadline will only be made pending space available.
There will be a $50 charge for job talk presentations. All proceeds will support sponsored programs. The university or employer will pay through CE-GO. Scroll to the bottom of the “tickets” where you will see Job Talks. Once the fee is paid and confirmed, the committee will move forward with scheduling.
SACES Job Talks does not include scheduling meetings or spaces for individual job seeker and employer/institutional representatives.
Information for Job Seekers
If you would like your CV made available to employers/institutional representatives and are open to being contacted for informal meetings, please email your CV to jobtalks@saces.org. Please save your CV materials as a pdf with the following naming convention: Name_Specality Area.pdf. Specialty areas include clinical mental health counseling, school counseling, marriage and family, rehabilitation, or general area
Job seekers are also encouraged to post their CV materials for free on the ACES Career Center. Please visit the ACES Career Center website for information
For questions or concerns, please contact via email at jobtalks@saces.org
Dr. Jonathan Ohrt
Dr. Jennifer Deaton
Amelia Mathis