February 12, 2013
Minutes from 12/13/12 Lost to Computer All Officers Present
Board members introduced themselves to the incoming Executive Board members present –
Mary Hermann (president-elect-elect) and Thelma Duffey (secretary-elect)
Interested in starting a journal for the division (finalizing budget)
o Task force reviewing journal development and needs prior to identifying an editor and recruiting editorial board member s (Thelma stated meeting on Friday)
SACES newsletter was released
o Encouraging committee involvement
Membership – Alex has become the "membership person" (Jennifer)
o Wild apricot – most people switched over, some have not been
o Alex at 20 hours per month
o Meet with Kathy on a call and also include Alex
o Jennifer – getting people to renew on non-conference years
Don – perhaps require a two-year membership to avoid this issue and save money on transaction fees
Should have membership input and set a date for implementation (Jan 1st 2014) and an open vote to be approved at next meeting
Information about meetings at ACA received by Heather Trepal
o SACES Friday March 22nd at 8-9am – Hilton Caprice 1 & 4 (EC Meeting)
Prepared agenda with interest networks provided
Not expecting a large turn-out
Work on conference committee development
Jennifer Jordan & Don Locke will not be in attendance
o Thursday March 21st from 5-6pm – Hilton Salon F & G (Upcoming EC Meeting)
There will be no conference call in March given the meeting at ACA.
Heather – working on compiling conference documents from Savannah
Find a time to map out the next conference – what need to be done when
Connected with past-presidents to be active in the conference planning
Early identification of site
Mary and Thelma – looking forward to getting started!
Jennifer Jordan voted-in as secretary for ACES
Anneliese request budget report for ACA - $86k currently in account, which is up from the previous two years
Doodle sent early March for April EC call
Jennifer – An e-mail was sent out to SACES membership, letting them know which candidates from the SACES region will be running for office, but encountered a problem this year
Don stated that all candidates must be listed to avoid subtle campaigning issues
Change in approach can be discussed at ACA meeting