Present: Anneliese, Heather, Don, Jennifer, & Mandy
Discussion regarding Courtland Lee Social Justice Award – will address nomination process at conference meeting to prevent things like self-nominations. Majority decision for award was Meghan Walter with a special presidential recognition for Selma Yznaga.
- Don requested recipient information for monetary award preparation
Conference – EC dinner Wednesday night following the meeting and conference bag preparation will occur around the same time with volunteers. The dinner will be with Anneliese at 5pm.
- Emerging leader training: All officers are asked to be present at 4pm and share personal route to leadership (how did you get involved, what was the process like when you ran for and officer position, etc.). Window, 3:45 to 4:15 with 27 current emerging leaders.
o Stop by lunch on Thursday from 12-1 – need count for lunch & set-up for 35-40 people.
- Activities for EC: General reception 5:30-7 on Thursday night & Friday night 5-7 president’s reception; leadership breakfast 8am on Friday morning; lunch 12-2 on Friday; Saturday lunch with Nicole Hill from ACES from 12-2pm (invitee only).
- Things we need to know: 314 people registered so far, poster sales, 30 people need accommodations for food; Don met with hotel person at the beginning of the conference to provide a check for services to make sure they had a deposit – Anneliese will confirm that hotel requires payment at the end and no deposit prior. Technology will be provided and coordinated with volunteers (who puts them out, picks them up, where they will be stored). Anneliese will get a quote on projectors – may need around eight.
- Grant Recipients: Don needs names – 6 people.
- Reminder: Anneliese will be bringing a lot of things into the hotel and will possibly tipping for hotel help – keep track of those tips for reimbursement (misc. expenses).
- Officer Reimbursement: $700-$900 flat return depending on expenses incurred.
- Volunteers: Cover cost of registration (hour requirement); have at least one of EC present at registration. Jennifer will create a schedule for EC presence at registration. (Thursday 8-5:30; becomes a help desk at a certain time/point)
o Printer/Computer needed for registration desk
o Copy printed with name and membership number – current/not current
Discussion about additional conference call; determined another EC call likely not necessary as time for a meeting will probably not be available in a useful time frame. Next meeting will be in Savannah and another call will be at the end of October and scheduled in Savannah.
Minutes to be posted online.